Oct. 11, 2022

How visualisation saved literally my life… and led to me founding my company: Maya Raichoora

How visualisation saved literally my life… and led to me founding my company: Maya Raichoora

This episode is powered by Founders Taboo, the Headspace for Founders

About Maya: 

I'm Maya, Co-founder of VIVE, well-being enthusiast, potato lover and avid meditator (basically a 24 year old monk) 🧘🏽

I teach visualisation, one of the most powerful but underrated skills in the world. If you haven't heard of it, you need to!

Used by elite athletes and CEO's, visualisation retrains your brain to change the way you think, act and feel. If you want to feel better, perform better, and achieve your awesome goals then this is for you! I deliver workshops, events and 1-1 sessions- so feel free to get in touch 📲

So, the big question is... why do I do what I do? 🤔
8 years ago, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis- an incurable irritable bowel disease. My symptoms were excruciating, and I was in the most debilitating pain- unable to walk or eat. I was left with very little hope for my future.

Then I started learning visualisation, which helped me rewire my beliefs/thoughts, strengthen my body and ultimately take back control of my health. It saved my life (and I don't say that lightly).

Now, I am on a mission to make visualisation accessible to everyone! 🚀🚀